Fashion Flash Women Over 40 Blog

Fashion FlashOur Fashion Flash host for this Labor Day 2013, is Kari from
Kari’s leading the way to nature beauty for women over 40. Her research and insights give you a fab alternative to more radical options.  The rest of us Fashion Flash Bloggers have the end of summer skinny including diet, exercise, clothing style and color and skin care. Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us. All of us at Fashion Flash would  love to hear from you!

While toning up for my walking workout this September I remembered making this short outdoor no equipment necessary workout video. It’s just right addition to the walking workout. It will turn your walking workout into a full body exercise program just perfect for us 40 plus Women looking to stay Fabulous Forever!

Stop at a wall, a tree or a fence, and do these five exercises: two for your upper body and three for your lower. Standing Push-ups:

Stand facing a surface, with legs hip width apart and place hands shoulder width apart. Keeping your body straight, lower yourself down to the surface and then push back upright again.  Muscles Worked: Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders

Calf Raises:
Face surface and hold on for balance. With feet together pointing straight ahead, slowly lift your body up on to your toes, while tightening calf, abs and buttocks muscles. Then slowly lower yourself back down again.  Muscles worked: calves, abs, and buttocks.
Face surface, legs hip with apart. Hold on for balance. Shift weight back into heels. Keeping back straight, abs pulled in; gently bend at the knees and squat to about a 90-degree angle. Hold for a moment, then, using just your leg muscles, return to an upright position.  Muscles worked: Front of thigh (Quads), Back of thigh, (Hamstrings) Buttocks, Abs
Wall Sit:
Stand against surface for back support. Holding on as needed for balance, slide down to a sitting position against wall, knees at about a 90-degree angle. Pull your abs in and hold for 10 to 30 seconds.  Muscles worked: Thighs and Abs
Upper Back Squeeze:
Stand with your back to the surface, feet shoulder width apart. Place hands behind you on surface. Straighten your arms behind you and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.  Muscles worked: Back, Shoulders, Back of arms (Triceps)


For more info women’s fitness and wellness info please visit



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